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Investment Compliance Monitoring

Be sure where being sure is important

Depowise Investment Compliance Monitoring

The Investment Compliance Monitoring functionality provides a comprehensive overview of your funds, ensuring they meet the required governance standards established by financial regulators and institutional customers. With this functionality, you can create, manage, and enforce rules to maintain compliance, calculate risk scores, integrate rules seamlessly into workflows, and ensure their adherence to every action.

Depowise offers a user-friendly, no-code rules engine that empowers you to build all the rules required by the regulations or described in the fund prospectus. For instance, you can include or exclude securities based on country, type, or sector, group them by issuer or currency, and check if they are over or below the required thresholds. The Investment Compliance Monitoring tool by Depowise makes it effortless to combine multiple conditions. Whether you need pre-trade, intra-day, or post-trade compliance checks, you can always rely on the Depowise rules engine.

Given the significance of consolidating various data sources and utilising integrations to detect errors and anomalies within investment compliance, Depowise’s extensive industry experience and expertise in building and maintaining integrations play a pivotal role. Our cutting-edge digital platform offers seamless workflow management, a comprehensive Data Warehouse, and the ability to integrate with various external systems.

Investment Compliance Monitoring is a part of our Oversight feature to give you full transparency and regulatory compliance.

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